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Homepage / Products / Stairparts / Caps / BLACK SQUARE NEWEL CAP


Contemporary flat square newel cap in a metal black finish

  • Stylish square cap
  • Adds modern accents to your stairs
  • Gives a neat, clean and tidy finish to any Newel post
  • Beautfiul contrast to natural timber or painted Newel posts
  • Fits Newels posts up to 90mm
  • Easy to fit
  • Also available in a Brushed Nickel, Gun Metal or Chrome finish


Newel caps are fitted on top of newel posts as the finishing touch, our newel caps are available in a wide variety of timbers, including oak, pine, hemlock and a white finish. Match your newel cap with your newel post for a seamless finish.

For more information on Newel caps for your project, read our newel caps product guide

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Product detail and dimensions

Height 90mm
Length 90mm
Depth 8mm
Immix oak staircase

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